RG Pharmacognosy
The research group of Prof. Timo Niedermeyer has recently moved to the Free University of Berlin. Please visit the new website of the RG (still under construction, and not yet available in English):
Welcome to the website of the research group Pharmacognosy at the Institute of Pharmacy of the University of Halle-Wittenberg.

RG Niedermeyer October 2022. f.l.t.r. Diana Barrera Adame, Sabine Schuster, Anja Wodak, Anke Dettmer, Lukas Koch, Markus Schwark, Nwet Nwet Win, Noorullah Khan, Kathrin Kunth, Timo Niedermeyer, Franziska Schanbacher, Laura Stock
Prof. Dr. Timo Niedermeyer
Institut für Pharmazie
AG Biogene Arzneistoffe
room 718
Hoher Weg 8
06120 Halle (Saale)
phone: +49 / (0)345 / 55-25765
fax: +49 / (0)345 / 55-27407
Sekretariat (Raum 714):
Kathrin Kunth
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 55-25 101
March 2022 - Noorullah Khan has joined the RG as PhD student. Welcome!
February 2022 - We are overwhelmed: We have been awarded with the AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Award for last year's best publication in the journal "Science".
February 2022 - Dr. Nwet Nwet Win has joined the team as senior scientist. Welcome!
February 2022 - Raphael Reher continues his journey - he has been appointed as assistant professor for pharmaceutical biology at the University of Marburg. Congratulations, we wish you all the best for your future career, Prof. Reher! ;-)
November 2021 - Tomasz Chilczuk has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, and all the best for the future!
October 2021 - Steffen Breinlinger has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, and all the best for the future! Steffen's thesis has been awarded with numerous awards (5 in total) - for more details see the German version of this text...
October 2021 - Lukas Koch has joined the RG as PhD student. Welcome!
May 2021 - Lena Höper has joined the RG as PhD student. Welcome!
April 2021 - Dominik Wichner has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, and all the best for the future!
April 2021 - Dr. Sabine Schuster has joined the team as postdoc. Welcome!

March 2021 - We have identified a novel cyanobacterial neurotoxin as the cause for a mysteriuos deadly disease that affects the bald eagle among other animals. The work was published as cover story of the journal Science. Our universities press release can be found here, you can read the publication on the homepage of the journal . A summary of the media resonance can be found here .
March 2021 - Ronja Kossack has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, and all the best for the future!
November 2020 - Julia Moschny has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, and all the best for the future!
November 2020 - Dr. Raphael Reher has joined the team as postdoc / Habilitand. Welcome!
October 2020 - Laura Stock has joined the RG as PhD student. Welcome!
September 2020 - Franziska Schanbacher has joined the RG as PhD student. Welcome!

How to reach us
With the Tram
Take the line 7 (the pink line ) and get off at Luise-Otto-Peters-Straße. Follow the small road Am Birkenwäldchen to the very end (pedestrians only) until you reach the parking area at Hoher Weg.
With the bike / car
Drive to the parking area "Hoher Weg" or "Kreuzvorwerk". Entering "Hoher Weg 8, 06120 Halle (Saale)" into your navigation system will bring you to one or the other, depending on from where you come (e.g. Google does not know the two parking areas are not connected by a car road...).

How to find us
Enter the building through the side door (don't be afraid, this is the back entrance...) until you reach the X. Take the elevator to the 7th floor, turn right until you reach room 718 (last room on the right).