Schwark, M., Martínez Yerena, J.A., Röhrborn, K., Hrouzek, P., Divoká, P., Štenclová, L., Delawská, K., Enke, H., Vorreiter, C., Wiley, F., Sippl, W., Sobotka, R., Saha, S., Wilde, S.B., Mareš, J., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. (shared first and shared senior authorship. 2023. More than just an Eagle Killer: The freshwater cyanobacterium Aetokthonos hydrillicola produces highly toxic dolastatin derivatives. accepted.
Štenclová, L. Wilde, S.B., Schwark, M., Cullen, J.L., McWhorter, S.A., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Henderson, W.M., Mareš, J. 2023. Occurrence of aetokthonotoxin producer in natural samples – a PCR protocol for easy detection. Harmful Algae, 125: 102425 .

Breinlinger, S., Phillips, T.J., Haram, B.N., Mareš, J., Martínez Yerena, J.A., Hrouzek, P., Sobotka, R., Henderson, W.M., Schmieder, P., Williams, S.M., Lauderdale, J.D., Wilde, H.D., Gerrin, W., Kust, A., Washington, J.W., Wagner, C., Geier, B., Liebeke, M., Enke, H., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Wilde, S.B. (shared first and shared senior authorship). 2021. Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy. Science, 6536: eaax9050 .

Ricardo, M.G., Schwark, M., Llanes, D., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Westermann, B. 2021. Total Synthesis of Aetokthonotoxin, the Cyanobacterial Neurotoxin Causing Vacuolar Myelinopathy. Chem. Eur. J., 27: 12032-12035.
- Ortlieb, N., Klenk, E., Kulik, A., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2021. Development of an agar-plug cultivation system for bioactivity assays of actinomycete strain collections. PLOS ONE, 16: e0258934 .
- Mfotie Njoya, E., Fewou Moundipa, P., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2021. Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex A. Juss. (Euphorbiaceae): An overview of its botanical diversity, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological effects and perspectives towards developing its plant-based products. J Ethnopharmacol, 277: 114244 .
- Kirchner, N., Cano-Prieto, C., Schulz-Fincke, A., Gütschow, M, Ortlieb, N., Moschny, J., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Horak, J., Lämmerhofer, M, Van der Voort, M, Raaijmakers, J. , Gross, H. 2021. Discovery of Thanafactin A, a Linear Proline-Containing Octa-Lipopeptide from Pseudomonas sp. SH-C52, Motivated by Genome Mining. J Nat Prod, 84: 101–109 .
- Wex, K.W.; Saur, J.S.; Handel, F.; Ortlieb, N.; Kulik, A.; Mokeev, V.; Niedermeyer, T.H.J.; Mast, Y.; Grond, S.; Berscheid, A; Brötz-Oesterhelt, H. 2021. Bioreporters for direct mode of action-informed screening of antibiotic producer strains. Cell Chem Biol, 28: 1242-1252.e4 .
- Chilczuk, T., Monson, R., Schmieder, P., Christov, V., Enke, H., Salmond, G., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2020. Ambigols from the Cyanobacterium Fischerella ambigua increase Prodigiosin Production in Serratia spp. ACS Chem Biol, 15: 2929-2936 .
- Moschny, J., Lorenzen, W., Hilfer, A., Eckenstaler, R., Jahns, S., Enke, H., Enke, D., Schneider, P., Benndorf, R., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2020. Precursor-Directed Biosynthesis and Fluorescence Labeling of Clickable Microcystins. J Nat Prod, 83: 1960-1970 .
- Chilczuk, T., Schäberle, T.F., Vahdati, S., Mettal, U., El Omari, M., Enke, H., Wiese, M., König, G.M., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2020. Halogenation-guided chemical screening provides insight into tjipanazole biosynthesis by the cyanobacterium Fischerella ambigua. ChemBioChem, 21: 2170 –2177 .
- Chilczuk, T., Steinborn, C., Breinlinger, S., Zimmermann-Klemd, A.M., Huber, R., Enke, H., Enke, D., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Gründemann, C. 2020. Hapalindoles from the Cyanobacterium Hapalosiphon sp. Inhibit T Cell Proliferation. Planta Med 2020, 86: 96- 103 .
- Kossack, R., Breinlinger, S., Nguyen, T.; Moschny, J.; Straetener, J.; Berscheid, A.; Brötz-Oesterhelt, H.; Enke, H.; Schirmeister, T.; Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2020. Nostotrebin 6 Related Cyclopentenediones and δ-Lactones with Broad Activity Spectrum Isolated from the Cultivation Medium of the Cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. CBT1153. J Nat Prod, 83: 392-400 .
- Buchmann, A., Cano-Prieto, C., Nafis, A., Barakate, M., Baz, M., Hassani, L., Ortlieb, N., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Gross, H. 2019. Draft Genome Sequence of the Novonestmycin-Producing Strain Streptomyces sp. Z26, isolated from potato rhizosphere in Morocco. Microbiol Ressour Announc, 8:e01514- 18.
- Ortlieb, N., Bretzel, K., Kulik, A., Haas, J., Lüdeke, S., Keilhofer, N., Schrey, S. D., Gross, H., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2018. Xanthocidin derivatives from the endophytic Streptomyces sp. AcE210 provide insight into the xanthocidin biosynthesis. ChemBioChem, 19:2472-2480.
- Ortlieb, N., Keilhofer, N., Schrey, S.D., Gross, H., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2018. Draft Genome Sequence of the Xanthocidin-Producing Strain Streptomyces sp. AcE210, isolated from a root nodule of Alnus glutinosa (L.). Microbiol Ressour Announc, 7:e01190-18.
- Spohn, M., Edenhart, S., Alanjary, M., Ziemert, N., Wibberg, D., Kalinowski, J., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Stegmann, E., Wohlleben, W. 2018. Identification of a novel aminopolycarboxylic acid siderophore gene cluster encoding the biosynthesis of ethylenediaminesuccinic acid hydroxyarginine (EDHA). Metallomics, 10: 722-734.
- Merdivan, S., Jenett-Siems, K., Siems, K., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Schultze N., Steinborn C., Gründemann C., Lindequist, U. 2017. Effects of extracts and compounds from Tricholoma populinum Lange on degranulation, IL-2 and IL-8 secretion of immune cells. Z Naturforsch C, 72(7-8)c: 277-283.
- Merdivan, S., Jenett-Siems, K., Siems, K., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Solis M.J., Unterseher, M., Lindequist, U. 2016. Inhibition of degranulation of RBL-2H3 cells by extracts and compounds from Armillaria ostoyae. Planta Med Int Open, 4(1): e1-e7.
- Schreuder, H., Liesum, A., Lönze, P., Stump, H., Hoffmann, H., Schiell, M., Kurz, M., Toti, L., Bauer, A., Kallus, C., Klemke-Jahn, C., Czech, J., Kramer, D., Enke, H., Niedermeyer, T., Morrison, V., Kumar, V., Brönstrup, M. 2016. Isolation, Co-Crystallization and Structure-Based Characterization of Anabaenopeptins as Highly Potent Inhibitors of Activated Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFIa). Sci Reports, srep32958.
- Preisitsch, M., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Heiden, S.E., Neidhardt, I., Kumpfmüller, J., Wurster, M., Harmrolfs, K., Wiesner, C., Enke, H., Müller, R., Mundt, S. 2016. Cylindrofridins A–C, Linear Cylindrocyclophane-Related Alkylresorcinols from the Cyanobacterium Cylindrospermum stagnale. J Nat Prod 79: 106-115.
- Preisitsch, M., Heiden, S.E., Beerbaum, M., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Schneefeld, M., Herrmann, J., Kumpfmüller, J., Thürmer, A., Neidhardt, I., Wiesner, C., Daniel, R., Müller, R., Bange, F.C., Schmieder, P., Schweder, T., Mundt, S. 2016. Effects of Halide Ions on the Carbamidocyclophane Biosynthesis in Nostoc sp. CAVN2. marine drugs 14(1): 21.
- Iftime, D., Kulik, A., Härtner, T., Rohrer, S., Niedermeyer, T.J.H., Stegmann, E., Weber, T., Wohlleben, W. 2015. Identification and activation of novel biosynthetic gene clusters by genome mining in the kirromycin producer Streptomyces collinus Tü 365. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 43: 277-291.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2015. Anti-infective Natural Products from Cyanobacteria. Planta Med 81: 1309-1325.
- Bäcker, C., Jenett-Siems, K., Siems, K., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Wurster, M., Bodtke, A.,Lindequist, U. 2015. Taraxastane-Type Triterpene Saponins isolated from Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd. Z Naturforsch B 70: 403-408.
- Preisitsch, M., Harmrolfs, K., Pham, H., Heiden, S., Füssel, A., Wiesner, C., Pretsch, A., Swiatecka-Hagenbruch, M., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Müller, R., Mundt, S. 2015. Anti-MRSA acting Carbamidocyclophanes H − L from the Vietnamese cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. CAVN2. J Antibiot 68: 165-177.
- Bäcker, C., Jenett-Siems, K., Siems, K., Wurster, M., Bodtke, A., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Lindequist, U. 2014. Novel mono- and bisdesmosidic triterpene glycosides from Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd. Z Naturforsch B 69b: 1026–1044.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Daily, A., Swiatecka-Hagenbruch, M., Moscow, J.A. 2014. Selectivity and Potency of Microcystin Congeners against OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 Expressing Cancer Cells. PLoS One 9: e91476.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Kurmayer, R., Schmieder, P. 2014. Isolation of microcystins from the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens strain No80. Nat Products Bioprospect 4: 37–45.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Jira, T., Lalk, M., Lindequist, U. 2013. Isolation of farnesylhydroquinones from the basidiomycete Ganoderma pfeifferi. Nat Products Bioprospect 3: 137–140.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Strohalm, M. 2012. mMass as a software tool for the annotation of cyclic peptide tandem mass spectra. PLoS One 7: e44913.
"Publikationslücke" durch Tätigkeit in der Industrie (12/2004 - 10/2013)
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Lalk, M. 2007. Nuclear amination catalyzed by fungal laccases: Comparison of laccase catalyzed amination with known chemical routes to aminoquinones. J Mol Catal B Enzym 45: 113–117.
- Mikolasch, A., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Lalk, M., Witt, S., Seefeldt, S., Witt, S., Hammer, E., Schauer, F., Gesell, M., Ossig, S., Jülich, W.-D., Lindequist, U. 2007. Novel cephalosporins synthesized by amination of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid derivatives using fungal laccases. Chem Pharm Bull 55: 412–416.
- Mikolasch, A., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Lalk, M., Witt, S., Seefeldt, S., Witt, S., Hammer, E., Schauer, F., Gesell, M., Ossig, S., Jülich, W.-D., Lindequist, U. 2007. Novel penicillins synthesized by biotransformation using laccase from Trametes spec. Chem Pharm Bull 54: 632–638.
- Poeckel, D.*, Niedermeyer, T.H.J.*, Pham, H.T.L., Mikolasch, A., Mundt, S., Lindequist, U., Lalk, M., Werz, O. 2006. Inhibition of Human 5-Lipoxygenase and Anti-Neoplastic Effects by 2-Amino-1,4-Benzoquinones. Med Chem 2: 591–595. (*equal contributions)
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Lindequist, U., Mentel, R., Gördes, D., Schmidt, E., Thurow, K., Lalk, M. 2005. Antiviral Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma pfeifferi. J Nat Prod 68 : 1728–1731.
- Lindequist, U., Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Jülich, W.-D. 2005. The pharmacological potential of mushrooms. Evidence-based Complement Altern Med 2: 285–299.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Mikolasch, A., Lalk, M. 2005. Nuclear amination catalyzed by fungal laccases: reaction products of p-hydroquinones and primary aromatic amines. J Org Chem 70 : 2002–2008.
- Manda, K., Hammer, E., Mikolasch, A., Niedermeyer, T., Dec, J., Jones, A.D., Benesi, A.J., Schauer, F., Bollag, J.-M. 2005. Laccase-induced cross-coupling of 4-aminobenzoic acid with para-dihydroxylated compounds 2,5-dihydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-benzamide and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester. J Mol Catal B Enzym 35 : 86–92.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2016. Annotating and interpreting linear and cyclic peptide tandem mass spectra. In: Nonribosomal Peptide Synthesis: Methods and Protocols, Ed. B. Evans. Springer. Methods Mol Biol 1401: 1999- 207.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Kuchmina, E., Wilde, A. 2013. Engineering Cyanobacteria for Industrial Products. In: Cyanobacteria: An Economic Perspective, Ed. Sharma, N.K., Rai, A.K., Stal, L.J. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 303-318.
- Niedermeyer, T., Brönstrup, M. 2012. Natural-product drug discovery from microalgae. In: Microalgal Biotechnology: Integration and Economy, Ed. Posten, C., Walter, C. de Gruyter. pp. 169–200.
- E. Teuscher, U. Lindequist, M. Melzig, unter Mitarbeit von E. Lang, T. Niedermeyer und A. Weng. 2020 Biogene Arzneimittel, 8. Auflage. DAV
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Populärwissenschaftliche Beiträge
- Breinlinger, S., Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2021. Jagd auf den Adlermörder — Entdeckung eines neuen Cyanotoxins. BIOspektrum 27: 594–597 . Cover image contributed by us.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J. 2014. Biologisch aktive Naturstoffe aus Cyanobakterien der Gattung Nostoc. BIOspektrum 20: 151–15 . Cover image contributed by us.
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Enke, H., Enke, D., Schuster, S. 2023. Organic Cytotoxin Oligomers and Uses Thereof as a Payload in Antibody-Drug Conjugates. Patent Application EP23187008.0
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Enke, H., Enke, D., Stock, L., Schuster, S. 2022. A Method of Modifying an Organic Cytotoxin for use as Payload in an Antibody-Drug Conjugate and Modified Organic Cytotoxins Derived therefrom. Patent Application EP22192517.0
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Enke, H., Kramer, D., Moschny, J., Lorenzen, W., Jahns, S. 2017. Method for Modifying Microcystins and Nodularins. PCT/EP2018/062156
- Niedermeyer, T.H.J., Enke, H., Kramer, D., Moschny, J., Lorenzen, W., Jahns, S. 2017. Modified Microcystins and Nodularins. PCT/EP2018/062129